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                                                                                It’s been a long while since I opened my cupboard, where I stored my nostalgias. I found a box, a black box, just curious to know what was inside. I opened it, and yes, it was a treasure—an old rakhi. Suddenly my mind uttered, "Fathima." A cute girl with a sweet voice and a radiant smile, my junior. An unexpected visitor who walked into my life and became a piece of my heart. My thoughts wandered back to her presence, to the days of my teenage years, To the times we shared, roaming the school corridors and playing on the grounds. The care you gave me, just like only a little sister could. It was you, my sister in spirit. The love you had for music and your dreams of playing the guitar, The moments we spent immer...

Lessons From The Rudest Book Ever


The Rudest Book ever is written by Shwetabh Gangwar.


About the Author:-

Shwetabh Gangwar is a novelist, public speaker, professional problem-solver. For the past five years, people from all over the world have contacted him with their troubles and he worked these out for them. In the process, he has observed a simple pattern, people need a set of principles and perspectives to protest them all the unnecessary problems they go through. Codes to live by essentially. He defines it as the purpose of his life and what truly brings him meaning.

About the Book:- 

The book was published in the year in 2019. It is the first written book by Shwetabh Gangwar.The book has 17 chapters and about 213 pages long. It is a non- fictional book which gives us advices to make insanely practical ideas to free our mind from all problems. Gangwar's narrative is bold and likable due to his use of sarcasm and witty humor and makes you see yourself for what you are. What we can find in this straight forward, straight talking and no-craps given guide is such as; How we can deal with rejections of all kinds, how we can change over the perfections of people so we don't end up screwed, it also tells us why a society that sees people as 'good' or 'bad' is dumb. It also talks about How seeking approval and acceptance kills our individuality, the problems of today's generation (Gen Z) and the truth about social media influencers.

This book is a collection of perspectives. Essentially, this book is about freeing your mind from all the problems you have unknowingly attached yourself to and are suffering from ranging  from ideas of happiness in your life. It will rip into everything.

   Lessons:- Things we can learn from The Rudest Book Ever

This book teaches us many lessons that we must understand and can follow in our life. 

1. Learn How to think

A person must learn How to Think, not What to think. The person can think, but does not know How to think, which is the way it cannot learn How to Learn.

The reality is instead of teaching the person How to think, parents and surroundings teach What to think, thereby become terrible teachers themselves. 

2. Specialness comes inside you

If you need somebody else to tell you that you are special, then you have not done anything to earn it in your own mind.

But what is specialness?

Specialness is a badge of realization you earn. Do not seek the acceptance and approval of others for your specialness. Specialness should be the sensation felt on upgrading in life after having mastered the skill.

3. Rejections are normal

Rejections are normal, rejections are a part of everyone's life. Rejection doesn't mean there is something wrong with you. With time you must realize that you don't need anybody's approval to do what you want. Because doing that gives you a purpose, and fulfilling that provide satisfaction and a meaningful life.

4. Self-Belief

The more you know yourself, the stronger your belief in 'self' becomes. The more and more knowledge, you're able to make make better assessments. 

5. Choose Satisfaction

Seek stability in what you seek peacefulness. Such things cultivate your mind. Self-Satisfaction starts with the knowledge of the self. Thing thing with knowledge pf such kind is, when it's not applied, it gets locked up in the theoretical side of your brain to be used later when you wish to sound smart or give smart advice.


Knowing yourself is single-handedly the greatest superpower any person can have. 

6. There are no Heroes, Only Heroic Actions 

The title of being a hero can easily ruin a person's life, because it comes with a person's life, because it comes with the expectation that all their actions, all their decisions and relationships and every single behaviour in their past and present must be pure and good.

When you start to care about 'who your are' in a realistic manner, instead of blindly falling for people, you start caring about who they are. Attractiveness should only be an entry-level qualification; it shouldn't be deciding factor. 

7. Becoming a Nation

You are a Nation, not just a person. Your 'self' is the president of the nation. 

Self-Control is the security force of that enforces the rules and moral codes in the constitution. 

Self-respect is the happiness index of the nation. This is the when self-control does its job well. 

Self-satisfaction is enjoying the prosperity from the results.

8. Learning How to Think?

We must need to learn "How to Think". People who know how to think are equipped with a superior intelligence, knowledge and understanding of how this world works. Their mind works better than yours, they know more than you, and they think better thoughts than you. 

An important point we must speak ourselves:- 

Whatever I do, I do it for myself, because I want to prove myself I can do it, recognising  that whatever you do in turn impacts the world.

Because whatever I do impacts the world, I shall and must become better, so I can impact the world for the better.



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